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EMBO|FEBS Lecture Course

Susan Lindquist School on Proteostasis

16 – 19 September 2025 | Espoo, Finland

EMBO LogoFEBS logo
  • Registration Deadline
  • 15 June 2025
  • Abstract Submission Deadline
  • 15 June 2025
  • Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By
  • 30 June 2025
  • Payment Deadline
  • 31 July 2025

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Use #EMBOFEBSproteostasis

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About the EMBO-FEBS Lecture Course

Cells constantly surveil and monitor their proteome to ensure proper function. These processes, spanning multiple steps from protein synthesis to folding and degradation, are collectively known as proteostasis. Extensive research in recent years has provided molecular insights into the mechanisms underlying proteostasis and its links to conditions such as neurodegeneration and aging.

The EMBO|FEBS Lecture Course on Susan Lindquist School on Proteostasis aims to provide a comprehensive overview of past and current work on proteostasis to the next generation of scientists in this field. The program includes review lectures on established science, presentations on upcoming research, career development sessions, and numerous opportunities for scientific exchange.

About EMBO Courses and Workshops

EMBO Courses and Workshops are selected for their excellent scientific quality and timelines, provision of good networking activities for all participants and speaker gender diversity (at least 40% of speakers must be from the underrepresented gender).

Organisers are encouraged to implement measures to make the meeting environmentally more sustainable.







  • Registration Deadline
  • 15 June 2025
  • Abstract Submission Deadline
  • 15 June 2025
  • Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By
  • 30 June 2025
  • Payment Deadline
  • 31 July 2025



Registration includes:

The registration fee includes three nights of accommodation (double occupancy) and all meals indicated in the program.


Selected participants will be provided with information on how to proceed with the payment by Confedent International. Payment options include online payment via credit card or Google Pay. An invoice will be issued with an additional charge of 19€.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation requests must be submitted via email to the organizers by August 1, 2025. Please be aware that we can only refund 50% of the registration fee. Cancellations received after this date are non-refundable. The organizers will not cover travel expenses, medical costs, or any other losses incurred.

Selection criteria

The EMBO|FEBS Lecture Course exclusively targets trainees (PhD students, Postdocs and similar). The selection is made based on motivation letter, abstract and CV.

We aim for a broad coverage of areas of proteostasis, countries, institutions, and people.

Abstract guidelines

Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should include a title, all author names and their full affiliations. The name of the poster/short-talk presenter should be underlined.

Poster specifications

Posters should be portrait orientation and A0 format (119 cm high x 84 cm wide).

Poster presenters are responsible for mounting and removal of their posters. They are expected to be available at their poster for discussion during their assigned session.

Travel grants

A limited number of FEBS Youth Travel Funds (YTF) Awards are available to support participation of early-career scientists in this event. These funds will cover the registration fee (including costs of event meals, and shared accommodation in a twin room) and possibly a contribution towards travel expenses, up to a maximum of 800 EUR per person.

The selection of applicants to receive FEBS YTF awards will be carried out by the Course Organizers on the basis of CV, Abstract and Motivation Letter and approved by the FEBS Treasury Office according to the FEBS YTF eligibility criteria

Child care grants

EMBO Courses and Workshops offers grants to offset additional childcare costs incurred by participants or speakers when participating at any EMBO Courses and Workshop funded meeting. Eligible costs include fees for a caregiver or child-care facility, travel costs for a caregiver, or travel costs for taking the child to the meeting etc. Please indicate on the registration form whether you would like to be considered for the grant. Please also describe how you intend to use the childcare grant and specify the sum that you will need.

Code of conduct

Anti-harassment and non-discrimination policy

At EMBO, we believe that harassment and discriminatory behaviour are unacceptable in any setting.

Media and communications policy

Recording or communication of the presented data needs to be agreed upon by all concerned.

EMBO's code of conduct is applicable for all participants of this EMBO meeting and can be found here.



Juha Saarikangas


Registration and visa letters





HANAHOLMEN - Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre

Hanasaarenranta 5
FI-02100 Espoo


The attendees will be housed in a double-occupancy hotel rooms.


Public transport: The walking distance from the nearest metro station ”Koivusaari” to Hanaholmen is approximately 1,1 km. The bus stop along the Westway is circa 400 metres from Hanaholmen.

For further details of public transport please check the Journey Planner here.

Taxi: taxi journey from the city centre of Helsinki to Hanaholmen will take approximately 10 minutes; from the airport it takes approximately 30 minutes. Please note that there is a risk of confusion, since there is a power station in East Helsinki called Hanaholmen, so be sure to ask the driver to take you to Hanaholmen Cultural Centre in Espoo.

About the Area

The venue, decorated with Nordic art and design, is located just a 10-minute car ride from downtown Helsinki, set in a surrounding archipelago. Morning sauna and swimming are included.

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