We accept late registrations and abstract submissions (poster presentation only) until the course is full!
Registration includes:
The registration fee includes the cost of registration, all meals, and accommodation for the duration of the meeting. Accommodation begins on Sunday evening, check-out is on Friday morning. Dinner is provided on June 1st, and breakfast on June 6.
The student fee is based on accommodation in double room, while the fee for Industry / Academic is based on single room occupancy. Industry or Academics wishing to stay in double rooms will be charged 850 Euros per participant.
Selected participants will be sent payment details by email.
Cancellations prior to April 25 will be refunded minus 50 euros of administrative fee. No refunds will be provided for cancellation after this date.
Selection criteria
Applicants will be selected after submission of an abstract and a short motivation letter, describing research interests and motivation to attend this meeting (max 250 words each). If financial support is requested, this should also be clearly motivated in the application.
All selected participants are expected to present a poster. A few will be selected for oral presentations in addition to their poster.
Scientific excellence and relevance to the specific course topic will be the primary criteria used in the evaluation. The expressed motivation to attend this course will also be an important component of the assessment and ranking.
Abstract guidelines
Please provide a short abstract of max. 250 words summarizing the work to be presented at the meeting. Title, authors, affiliation and references do not count towards the word count.
Poster specifications
Vertical, A0 (119 cm x 840 cm)
Additional Requirements
A short motivation letter (250 words max) describing research interests and motivation to attend this meeting should be provided. If financial support is requested, this should also be clearly motivated in the application. Justification for financial support doesnt count towards the word count.
Travel grants and registration fee waivers
A limited number of FEBS Youth Travel Funds (YTF) Awards are available to support participation of early-career scientists in this event. These funds will cover the registration fee (including costs of event meals, and shared accommodation in a twin room) and possibly a contribution towards travel expenses, up to a maximum of 800 EUR per person.
The selection of applicants to receive FEBS YTF awards will be carried out by the Course Organizers on the basis of CV, Abstract and Motivation Letter and approved by the FEBS Treasury Office according to the FEBS YTF eligibility criteria
Furthermore, this meeting is selected by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) to offer grants for event participation for Early Career Scientists. To be eligible for those, you need to be: i) a member of a FEMS Member Society or be recommended by such a member; ii) be an Early Career Scientist (Master, PhD sudent or postdoc less than 5 years after completion of the PhD, taking into account periods of maternity/paternity leave, special leave or illness do not count toward this definition). Such grants are allocated on the basis of the quality of the submitted abstract and motivation.
Child care grants
EMBO Courses and Workshops offers grants to offset additional childcare costs incurred by participants or speakers when participating at any EMBO Courses and Workshop funded meeting. Eligible costs include fees for a caregiver or child-care facility, travel costs for a caregiver, or travel costs for taking the child to the meeting etc. Please indicate on the registration form whether you would like to be considered for the grant. Please also describe how you intend to use the childcare grant and specify the sum that you will need.
Code of conduct
Anti-harassment and non-discrimination policy
At EMBO, we believe that harassment and discriminatory behaviour are unacceptable in any setting.
Media and communications policy
Recording or communication of the presented data needs to be agreed upon by all concerned.
EMBO's code of conduct is applicable for all participants of this EMBO meeting and can be found here.