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EMBO Practical Course

Computational approaches to neuronal and behavioural data analysis

22 April – 09 May 2025 | Braga, Portugal

  • Registration Deadline
  • 15 March 2025
  • Abstract Submission Deadline
  • 15 March 2025
  • Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By
  • 25 March 2025
  • Payment Deadline
  • 1 April 2025

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About the Practical Course

In the rapidly evolving field of neuroscience, data is expanding in both volume and complexity. The need to record neuronal activity over many hours and days while tracking fine and precise behaviors brings with it the challenge of complex data integration and analysis. Customized platforms, driven by tailored codes, are becoming the norm in many laboratories, underscoring the need for training and development of these computational skills in today’s researchers.

This EMBO Practical Course provides training in basic programming and advanced models for analyzing neuronal data derived from a variety of recording techniques. The focus will be on electrophysiology, fiber photometry, calcium imaging, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In addition, rodent behavioral analysis using open source tools will also be explored.

Through these approaches, we aim to equip participants with an understanding of the fundamental steps of data processing, and to enable them to implement new data analysis techniques to meet their scientific challenges.

About EMBO Courses and Workshops

EMBO Courses and Workshops are selected for their excellent scientific quality and timelines, provision of good networking activities for all participants and speaker gender diversity (at least 40% of speakers must be from the underrepresented gender).

Organisers are encouraged to implement measures to make the meeting environmentally more sustainable.







  • Registration Deadline
  • 15 March 2025
  • Abstract Submission Deadline
  • 15 March 2025
  • Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By
  • 25 March 2025
  • Payment Deadline
  • 1 April 2025



Registration includes:

  • Accommodation (shared rooms) from 22nd of April until 9th of May
  • Lunches on course days
  • Coffee breaks
  • Course material


Selected participants will receive payment details by email. To complete the registration process, participants should proceed with payment and send the receipt to the indicated email within 5 days.

Registration will be effective after confirmation of payment. If payment is not concluded in due time we will have to cancel the registration.

Payment option:

  • bank transfer

Payment will be made in euro €.

If cancellation is made, no refunds will be provided.

A 10% discount will be given if participants (international only) prove they travel by train.

Selection criteria

Participants will be selected according to:

  • Their scientific merit evaluated by their CV and abstract
  • Their level of commitment to this course demonstrated by the motivation letter
  • Preference will be given to participants coming from Institutions and/or laboratories with little expertise in computational analysis and keen to learn and develop these skills beyond the course at their home Institutions/Labs.

Selection of candidates coming from over-representing genders or countries will be avoided.

Abstract guidelines

The abstract is limited to 300 words and should summarize their current research work. It will be included in the course book.

Poster specifications

Poster sessions will be virtual, so no specific measures are required.

Additional Requirements

The following documents should be sent for evaluation:

  • Motivation letter
  • CV
  • Abstract

Travel grants and registration fee waivers

Travel grants and registration fee waivers are available for participants.

Selection of awardees is handled directly by the organizers. EMBO travel grants and registration fee waivers are allocated on the basis of the quality of the submitted abstract.

Applicants do not need to apply separately for these but should indicate on the registration form if they wish to be considered.

Additional travel grants are available for EMBC Associate Member States Chile, India, Singapore and Taiwan.

Child care grants

EMBO Courses and Workshops offers grants to offset additional childcare costs incurred by participants or speakers when participating at any EMBO Courses and Workshop funded meeting. Eligible costs include fees for a caregiver or child-care facility, travel costs for a caregiver, or travel costs for taking the child to the meeting etc. Please indicate on the registration form whether you would like to be considered for the grant. Please also describe how you intend to use the childcare grant and specify the sum that you will need.

Code of conduct

Anti-harassment and non-discrimination policy

At EMBO, we believe that harassment and discriminatory behaviour are unacceptable in any setting.

Media and communications policy

Recording or communication of the presented data needs to be agreed upon by all concerned.

EMBO's code of conduct is applicable for all participants of this EMBO meeting and can be found here.



Carina Soares-Cunha





School of Medicine

University of Minho

Campus de Gualtar

4710-057 Braga



Accommodation (shared rooms) will be provided from 22nd of April until 9th of May.

Participants will be required to share rooms. If they wish to not share, accommodation costs will have to be covered by them.


Arrival by plane:

The closest airport is the international airport of Francisco Sá Carneiro in Porto which is less than an hour by bus shuttle (getbus: from Braga.

Transportation to Braga:

Train/Metro – Metro to Campanhã Station or São Bento Station followed by train to Braga.

Bus transfer – Direct transfer to Braga from Porto Airport and vice versa, everyday - “GET BUS"

Taxi – The taxis are located on the arrivals floor at Porto Airport.

Arrival by car: Rua 24 de Junho, 4715-051 Gualtar, Braga, Portugal

Coordinates: 41.55663, -8.39663

Information on travel within the city of Braga by bus can be found here.

Get to know Braga

About the Area

The venue and accommodation are close to the city centre and to the world heritage site “Bom Jesus”, which is located at the top of the city of Braga offering an amazing view over the city and the surrounding area. The famous Bom Jesus is a Sanctuary with a monumental, Baroque stairway that climbs 116 meters, being one of the most famous attractions of Portugal.

Braga’s city center is full of numerous churches, grand Baroque buildings and grand plazas. Is a city full of shops, restaurants and nightlife.

Sustainability at the meeting

The EMBO Courses & Workshops Programme assesses meetings based on the proposal and implementation of sustainability measures. Meetings can earn points across a range of measures, with each measure assigned a point value from one to five. These points classify the meeting into one of three sustainability levels, reflecting the organizers' commitment to enhancing the sustainability of their event. More information on the EMBO Courses & Workshops Sustainability Badge can be found here.

Some invited speakers from other continents will give their talks remotely to save on travel.

The venue takes some energy efficiency measures such as requesting caution for turning off lights when exiting rooms.

Catering will include vegetarian meals, locally sourced ingredients, and bottled water or single-use wares will be avoided.

Recycle bins are available at the venue.

Water fountains to refill water bottles are available.

Abstract books and programs will be shared in electronic form only.

A 10% discount will be given if participants (international only) prove they travel by train.

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