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EMBO Practical Course

Breathless Microbes: Life With No Oxygen

08 – 12 July 2024 | Nijmegen, Netherlands

  • Registration Deadline
  • 15 April 2024
  • Abstract Submission Deadline
  • 15 April 2024
  • Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By
  • 6 May 2024
  • Payment Deadline
  • 3 June 2024

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About the Practical Course

Anaerobic microbiology plays a pivotal role in addressing present and future challenges in industry and society. Anaerobes convert waste into biofuels and chemicals, clean-up our wastewater, and they are responsible crucial steps in the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles of the natural environment. They are also the basis of the human and animal gut microbiomes. However, research in anaerobic microbiology is held back by the lack of laboratories in the world with expertise in the use of anoxic cultivation techniques. Here, we implement a primary course in anaerobic microbiology. Our approach combines essential theoretical background with hands-on experiments using both state-of-the-art and low-tech equipment that can be applied in laboratories that have not previously been working with anaerobes. We wish to contribute to a wider, global distribution of anaerobic microbiology research which we believe is pivotal to progressing the discipline and creating technology to address future challenges.

About EMBO Courses and Workshops

EMBO Courses and Workshops are selected for their excellent scientific quality and timelines, provision of good networking activities for all participants and speaker gender diversity (at least 40% of speakers must be from the underrepresented gender).

Organisers are encouraged to implement measures to make the meeting environmentally more sustainable.







  • Registration Deadline
  • 15 April 2024
  • Abstract Submission Deadline
  • 15 April 2024
  • Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By
  • 6 May 2024
  • Payment Deadline
  • 3 June 2024



Registration includes:

  • Shared twin room hotel accommodation
  • Meals (breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks)
  • Course dinner


The participants who are selected will receive an email from us with a payment link.

Selection criteria

Preference will be given to PhD students and postdocs who will be able to apply anaerobic techniques to their currently running project. Other criteria will be previous experience, relevance of the workshop for their future career prospects, the motivation letter and the letter of reference

Abstract guidelines

The abstract should describe your current research project, or a prospective future research project applying anoxic techniques.

Poster specifications

The poster should be portrait format and adequately sized (e.g. A0 format, 841 x 1189 mm or 33.1 x 46.8 in).

Travel grants and registration fee waivers

Travel grants and registration fee waivers are available for participants.

Selection of awardees is handled directly by the organizers. EMBO travel grants and registration fee waivers are allocated on the basis of the quality of the submitted abstract.

Applicants do not need to apply separately for these but should indicate on the registration form if they wish to be considered.

Additional travel grants are available for EMBC Associate Member States Chile, India, Singapore and Taiwan.

Special travel grants and registration fee waivers

A limited number of travel grants and registration fee waivers are availablefor scientists working in Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovenia and Turkey. Grants are allocated on the basis of the quality of the submitted abstract.

A maximum of 700 Euros per participant are available to cover registration fees, travel, and accommodation (no additional subsistence costs can be covered). To apply, please indicate the itemized amount requested in the travel grants section of the registration form.

Child care grants

EMBO Courses and Workshops offers grants to offset additional childcare costs incurred by participants or speakers when participating at any EMBO Courses and Workshop funded meeting. Eligible costs include fees for a caregiver or child-care facility, travel costs for a caregiver, or travel costs for taking the child to the meeting etc. Please indicate on the registration form whether you would like to be considered for the grant. Please also describe how you intend to use the childcare grant and specify the sum that you will need.


Huygens building where the practical course is to be held applies several sustainability measures (e.g., ground-coupled heat exchanger for cooling in summer and heating in winter; all lights exchanged by LED lights, solar panels) put down in the ‘energy program 2021-2024’. TThe catering during the course will be vegetarian.

Speakers from Germany, the Netherlands and other neighboring countries will be requested to travel by train. We will ask one speaker from outside of Europe to give their talk remotely. For participants, we will re-imburse 50% of their train ticket if their train journey is longer than 4 hours.

Code of conduct

Anti-harassment and non-discrimination policy

At EMBO, we believe that harassment and discriminatory behaviour are unacceptable in any setting. EMBO's code of conduct is applicable for all participants of this EMBO meeting and can be found here.



Lidwien Burgers




Radboud University

Houtlaan 4, 6525 XZ Nijmegen, Netherlands

The lectures, practical work and poster sessions will be hosted at Radboud University in the Huygens Building. For the practical work, the Department’s laboratories (housing the extensive anaerobic equipment required for this course) as well as the teaching laboratories (same building, for general laboratory work) are available during the indicated time. The lecture hall will be in the same building. Catering for lunch and coffee breaks will be organized through the university’s catering service, also in the same building. Drinks and snacks for the poster sessions will be organized by the Department of Microbiology and will be organized in the hallway close to the lecture hall and Department’s laboratory.


Students will share a room.


For participants, we will re-imburse 50% of their train ticket if their train journey is longer than 4 hours. The anticipated hotel (Hotel Courage) is located in Nijmegen city centre and is connected to the Huygens building by a direct bus line.

EMBO Journal