About the Practical Course

3D microscopy and mesoscopy are of major interest for developmental biologists and have seen tremendous technological developments in the last years. Obtaining high-quality, artifact-free multidimensional images and analysing them is now easier but still a challenge, and the techniques are still not addressed in academic curricula or the expertise is still lacking in smaller labs/facilities. This EMBO practical course is aimed at junior researchers in Developmental Biology, struggling with 3D imaging of cell movement and tissue morphogenesis in embryos. Confocal, two-photon, light-sheet/SPIM, and optical tomography (mesoscopy) are featured in the course. Open-source initiatives and commercial partners contribute with state-of-the-art solutions, which are available to the participants during the course to test with their own samples. Visualisation, processing, analysis, and publication of multidimensional images is also addressed, with both commercial and open source tools. The 9-day programme includes morning lectures with several renowned experts and 6–8 h of practicals/day with the support of ~20 tutors and more than 10 high-end 3D imaging techniques. It also includes "micro"workshops on DIY light-sheet and optical tomography, and 3D visualisation and image analysis workflow design.
This year we will make the event “hybrid”, with i) lectures in “webinar” format broadcast to everyone who qualifies and registers before June 15th (“virtual” attendance) and ii) practical sessions only for the selected students who propose projects (= “in person”). ATTENTION: To be considered for selection for “in-person” attendance, applicants must submit the application and project BEFORE May 26th and be ready to bring samples to the course (student participation is mandatory for all days, no exceptions!). During the registration form, please make the appropriate selection when asked “I will attend the meeting:”. There will be 16 seats available for “in-person” attendance, and 100 for “virtual" attendance. We hope that with this format we can reach a broader audience.
Images were obtained during the previous edition of the course
About EMBO Courses and Workshops
EMBO Courses and Workshops are selected for their excellent scientific quality and timelines, provision of good networking activities for all participants and speaker gender diversity (at least 40% of speakers must be from the underrepresented gender).
Organisers are encouraged to implement measures to make the meeting environmentally more sustainable.