About the Workshop
Research on cell polarity has generally focused on the steady state distribution of asymmetric cellular components rather than on the dynamics of polarized membrane trafficking and subcellular forces that underlie polarity while the study of membrane trafficking has principally been conducted in non-polarised cell culture. It is now clear however that the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity requires a complex interplay between membrane trafficking and key polarity cues. The symbiosis between these fields has already driven some major advances in our understanding of polarity, and this EMBO workshop will serve as a further catalyst to foster exciting new collaborations in this fast moving area. To aid this we have included speakers that will bring new ideas to the field including the very latest advances in microscopy techniques and the utilization of organoid cultures as well as speakers that will bring a new biophysical prospective to the field. Moreover, the invited speakers reflect a proper balance of model organisms used in the fields of cell polarity and membrane dynamics.
About EMBO Courses and Workshops
EMBO Courses and Workshops are selected for their excellent scientific quality and timelines, provision of good networking activities for all participants and speaker gender diversity (at least 40% of speakers must be from the underrepresented gender).
Organisers are encouraged to implement measures to make the meeting environmentally more sustainable.