About the Conference
Mosquitoes and other blood-sucking arthropods are vectors of parasitic and viral diseases that combined have a tremendous human impact affecting millions of people every year. The lack of effective prevention and the complexity of the disease lifecycles require integrated approaches targeting transmission rather than the pathogens alone. This biennial conference series, initiated in 2003, provides a forum for the reviewing of the progress in the field and the dissemination of novel and unpublished data.
This EMBO Conference is now a tradition and regarded as one of the most important meetings in the field. The highlight of the 2017 event is Vector and Disease Control. This will be the main theme of one of two plenary sessions including a high profile plenary talk and will prominently feature through keynote talks in many of the scientific sessions. The other plenary session and central theme of the first scientific session is Vector Genetic Manipulation and Gene Drive, an area that holds high hopes for vector and disease control. Prompted by the recent Zika outbreak in the Americas and the global resurgence of Dengue, a special session is introduced in Emerging and Re-emerging Arboviruses aiming to raise awareness and promote research in this area.
About EMBO Courses and Workshops
EMBO Courses and Workshops are selected for their excellent scientific quality and timelines, provision of good networking activities for all participants and speaker gender diversity (at least 40% of speakers must be from the underrepresented gender).
Organisers are encouraged to implement measures to make the meeting environmentally more sustainable.