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EMBO Practical Course

The application of kinetic methods to dynamic biological systems

25 – 30 June 2017 | Canterbury, United Kingdom

  • Registration Deadline
  • Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By
  • 7 April 2017
  • Payment Deadline
  • 30 April 2017

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About the Practical Course

The EMBO Practical Course is designed to give a thorough training in the principles and practice of transient and single molecule kinetics as applied to biological macromolecules.

Transient kinetics is a well-established field which has made major contributions to the understanding of both the mechanisms of enzymes and to the central role of protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions in biological processes such as signalling, motility, gene expression, protein folding and DNA replication. Over the past two decades, single molecule methods have been developed to complement and advance these fields. Yet it remains a field dominated by specialists, despite the wide availability of the equipment. The practical course is designed to increase the awareness and accessibility of these methods to a wider group of biologists.

This EMBO Practical Course is aimed at scientists (graduate students, postdocs, and established scientists) at two levels:

  1. Those who recognise that they need to use kinetic methods but have little formal training in these methods. This includes scientists who already have access to the equipment or who plan to acquire such technology in the near future. These participants will be encouraged to bring their own samples for use on the course.
  2. Scientists who have used transient kinetics or single molecule methods but who would like to explore more sophisticated experimental and data analysis approaches. These participants will be encouraged to bring their own samples or data for use on the course.

More recently the field has experienced something of a resurgence for three major reasons:

  1. The emergence of molecular biological methods for identifying and isolating large quantities of specific proteins has led to a number of interesting proteins in need of detailed analysis.
  2. The wider recognition that biological events are defined within a given time frame (msec-sec) and that we need to study individual molecular events within this time frame. Detailed kinetics complements high resolution structural studies and together the two methods can give a molecular explanation of biological function.
  3. The commercial development of high quality, reliable kinetic equipment has made such techniques accessible to a wider population of scientists. The investment in the development of commercial systems had led to significant advances in both instrument sensitivity and in economy of biological materials required for such studies.

For those of you new to transient and single molecule kinetics it is strongly recommended that you look through some of the references provided in the general reading list (pdf). Some initial familiarity with this material will help you get the most out of the course.

About EMBO Courses and Workshops

EMBO Courses and Workshops are selected for their excellent scientific quality and timelines, provision of good networking activities for all participants and speaker gender diversity (at least 40% of speakers must be from the underrepresented gender).

Organisers are encouraged to implement measures to make the meeting environmentally more sustainable.





Please note that this is a preliminary programme.



  • Registration Deadline
  • Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By
  • 7 April 2017
  • Payment Deadline
  • 30 April 2017


  • Registration fee GBP 200

Registration includes:

  • All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and refreshment breaks)
  • Accommodation for 6 nights (check-in Sunday 25th June, check-out Saturday 1st July 2017
  • Course materials

Note: All delegates are responsible for their own travel costs.


Payment details will be sent to successful applicants.

Selection criteria

The Course has places for 18 applicants and is open to all scientists from graduate students to established scientists.

Application will be via a selection process, therefore applicants should be aware that, in order to be considered for a place on this course, they MUST complete the application page as well as submit a short CV and motivation letter. Students and postdoctoral applicants are required to provide a letter of support from their supervisor or another senior co-worker. Incomplete applications will NOT be considered.

Applicants should submit a letter of motivation to include the following:

  • Information on your scientific career/training and any relevant skills, experience and qualifications which would be suitable for the practical course
  • Explain why you would like to attend, and how you think you will benefit from attending
  • Include a brief description of your current research project and future plans
  • Will you bring your own samples/data for analysis
  • Describe how you expect to make use of skills obtained during the practical course

Applicants will be selected according to their research interests, level of knowledge and potential use of the techniques in view of their project work as specified in the motivation letter. Selection will be done by a committee composed of the organizers.

We hope that 1/3rd of participants will bring their own samples to be used in the practical parts of the practical course and another 1/3rd will bring data previously collected for analysis and interpretation.

N.B. We do not expect all students to bring samples and the ability to supply samples or data will not be the only criteria used selecting applicants and up to 1/3rd will be selected who are not at the stage to supply either samples data.

Travel grants

A limited number of travel grants are available for participants. Applicants do not need to apply separately for travel grants for this event but should indicate on the registration form if they wish to be considered for a travel grant. Selection of awardees is handled directly by the organizer who will notify all eligible participants. More information is available at EMBO Travel Grants' page.



Michael Geeves





School of Biosciences, Stacey Building

University of Kent

Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NJ

United Kingdom



Speakers and participants will be accommodated in single en-suite rooms in Becket Court at the University of Kent.


About the Area

Canterbury Visitor Information Centre:

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